
The CU History Department is the home to award-winning faculty who conduct groundbreaking research into the human past and what it means to our present and future. Our faculty are committed to providing undergraduate and graduate students with the knowledge and tools to succeed in their chosen professions and to be thoughtful and involved citizens. Our alumni and other supporters are essential to our larger mission, and we are deeply appreciative for sustaining contributions to our department’s success. Please consider making a gift to the History Department to in one of the following areas:

Undergraduate Studies

One of our current priorities is to increase the available funding for undergraduate student scholarships. Please consider a gift to one of our undergraduate scholarship funds:

Colton G. Erickson Memorial Scholarship Fund   
The Colton G. Erickson Scholarship was established by the History Department with the support of Colton’s family, in memory of former student Colton G. Erickson (1994 – 2018), who graduated in 2017 while living with brain cancer. The fund will provide undergraduate scholarship awards for students enrolled in the Department of History within the College of Arts & Sciences at CU Boulder. Recipients will have faced unusual adversity in their lives, while achieving excellence as determined by the scholarship application process. Scholarship recipients will also demonstrate financial need. Scholarships will be awarded for one academic year and previous recipients are encouraged to reapply.

Virginia and Fred Anderson Endowed History Scholarship Fund   
The Virginia & Fred Anderson Scholarship in History is given in honor of Emeritus faculty Virginia DeJohn Anderson and Fred Anderson. The fund shall be used to provide undergraduate scholarship awards for students based on financial need and academic merit who are enrolled in the Department of History. This year we encourage applications from students with a strong interest in studying American History.

Robert C. Rogers Student Scholarship Fund   

The Robert C. Rogers  Scholarship, established in memory of Robert C. Rogers, is awarded to incoming first-year, incoming transfer, or continuing undergraduate students with a declared major or minor in History.
The scholarship is awarded for one academic year and past recipients are encouraged to reapply.

For undergraduates, gift funds can also sustain activities such as class outings, visiting speakers, events for majors and minors, or even class dinners with a professor to cultivate faculty-student interaction. If you would like to support these activities, please give to the:

History Department Fund   

Graduate Studies

For graduate students, gift funds can reduce costs associated with research trips to distant archives, attending conferences, and hosting or attending workshops where students network, gain visibility, and receive feedback on their work. Gift funds also allow us to offer recruiting fellowships so that we can attract the most competitive graduate applicants. Please give to the:

Gloria Lund Main and Jackson Turner Main Graduate Fund in History   

Departmental Research & Programing

Departmental research and programing gift funds are crucial to supporting the intellectual life of the department and faculty research productivity. Gift funds can offset faculty research costs and seed new research programs, allow us to invite leading historians to visit the department to give lectures and seminars, support conferences, or fund exciting faculty initiatives in public outreach. If you are interested in supporting these activities, please give to the:

History Department Fund 


If you would like to discuss other opportunities or ideas for supporting the History Department, we will be happy to talk to you about your plans in detail. Please contact the History Department Chair, Phoebe S.K. Young, or CU Boulder’s Office of Advancement.